Dear Students,

Please see the Neuroscience Department event below for next Tuesday, April 25 from 11:00 - 2:00 at Krasnow. Sounds very interesting & informative! There is a flyer attached as well.

Amanda Moon

Academic Program Assistant

Bioengineering Department

703-993-5846 (3-5846)

From: Caroline Neely <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:46 PM
To: Amanda J Moon
Subject: 4th Annual Neuroscience Symposium - Tuesday April 25th, 11 AM - 2 PM, Krasnow Institute

We invite all majors and interested students to our next event - GMU's Annual Neuroscience Symposium.

On Tuesday, April 25th from 11 AM - 2 PM, Students in Neuroscience (SiN), the Neuroscience Graduate Student Organization (NGSO), and Cure Mental Illness (CMI) will be hosting the Annual Neuroscience Symposium. This event is free-of-charge, located at the Krasnow Institute ( and open to all faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students, and guests.

The program of the Symposium will consist of special lectures from invited guests (Lecture Room 229):

Dr. Sonia Villapol, Assistant Professor at Georgetown University Medical Center - "Targeting peripheral organs to repair the injured brain" ---- 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Dr. Villapol received her PhD in neuroscience from Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2007 and her post-doctoral training at the National Institutes of Health-Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine. Currently, she is an assistant professor at Georgetown University Medical Center where she studies the mechanisms of cell death, gliosis, inflammation, and neurogenesis in models of brain damage. Her most recent work focuses on novel therapeutics to repair damaged tissue following injury.

Dr. Ashlee Van't Veer, Program Officer at the National Institute of Mental Health - "Neuroscience at NIMH: Neuroscience and you" - 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

Dr. Van't Veer received her PhD in neuroscience from Harvard Medical School in 2013 and completed her post-doctoral training at McLean Hospital. She served as a program analyst for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke from 2014 - 2016. She is currently a program officer at the National Institute of Mental Health. Her talk will discuss the available research and funding opportunities for interested undergraduate, graduate, and new investigators.

A reception with food and refreshments and poster session for GMU undergraduate and graduate student researchers will be held from 1 PM - 2 PM in the Krasnow Great Room.

SiN, NGSO, CMI, and affiliated departments look forward to seeing you on April 25th. Please share this with your listservs, current, and former students.

Caroline L.C. Neely, M.A.
Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Ph.D. student
George Mason University

President, Students in Neuroscience
Secretary, Neuroscience Graduate Student Organization
Treasurer, Cure Mental Illness GMU