
Correction of previous email: The Fair is today (the email sat in my box since last night)-


Health & Science Career Fair | April 12 | 11am-2pm | JC Dewberry Hall
Please see flyer attached and make sure to go, dress professionally and take your resume!

Good luck,
Claudia Borke

Claudia Borke
Academic Advisor
Volgenau School of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering
3904 Nguyen Engineering Building, 1J7
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 993-4190
Fax: (703) 993-2077

STUDENTS: Please use your MasonLive e-mail. Include name and G number!
Frequently Used Forms and Websites:
Declare concentration: http://registrar.gmu.edu/wp-content/uploads/UCDM.pdf (Fill out top and enter new concentration in "advisor use only" box)
Run Degree evaluation/audit: http://registrar.gmu.edu/students/degree-evaluation/degree-works/
How to check how other courses transfer to Mason: http://admissions.gmu.edu/transfer/transferCreditSearch.asp
Mason Core: http://masoncore.gmu.edu