Greetings, graduate students writing theses and dissertations!


University Dissertation & Thesis Services (UDTS) wants to remind you that we offer workshops. 


In our session on Process, we go over what you'll need to know and do in order to graduate on time. 


In our session on the Interactive Template, we will introduce you to the Word template we've set up according to University Formatting Guidelines. We will walk you through it and show you how to use it.


To view these workshops and register for them, please visit the following site:


There, please choose "Dissertation & Thesis Services" under "Category." You'll be able to view and register for our upcoming workshops. (You'll also see slots for our Office Hours on the Science & Technology and Arlington Campuses. You're welcome to sign up for those as well.)


We currently have the following sessions scheduled:


Monday, October 31

Science & Technology Campus

104E Mercer Library, in Colgan (formerly Occoquan)

2:00 p.m.: Process Session

2:45 p.m.: Interactive Template Session


Tuesday, November 1

Fairfax Campus

1014B Fenwick Library

6:00 p.m.: Process Session

6:45 p.m.: Interactive Template Session


Friday, November 4

Fairfax Campus
1014B Fenwick Library

10:00 a.m.: Interactive Template Session (Part of GradRecon session through University Libraries; you don't have to sign up for this session. You can just attend.)


Thursday, November 10

Fairfax Campus

1014B Fenwick Library

10:00 a.m.: Process Session

10:45 a.m.: Interactive Template Session


Wednesday, November 16

Fairfax Campus

1014B Fenwick Library

6:30 p.m.: Process Session

7:15 p.m.: Interactive Template Session


Monday, November 21

Fairfax Campus

1014B Fenwick Library

11:00 a.m.: Process Session

11:45 a.m.: Interactive Template Session


Monday, November 28

Fairfax Campus

1014B Fenwick Library

6:00 p.m.: Process Session

6:45 p.m.: Interactive Template Session



University Dissertation & Thesis Services

George Mason University

2005 Fenwick Library


Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: 703-993-2222

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.