*From:*[log in to unmask], American Statistical Association GMU Chapter <[log in to unmask]> *Subject:* GMU ASA Meeting this Thursday @ 6:30PM ENGR 1602 Hi guys, The American Statistical Association's GMU chapter will be hosting our next meeting *this Thursday, 9/29 6:30-7:30pm in ENGR 1602. * Scott Keeter, a senior survey advisor from the Pew Research Center will be discussing election polling. Scott is not only an expert on American public opinion and political behavior, but he is also the co-author of four books including /Uninformed Choice: The Failure of the New Presidential Nominating System./ Prior to joining Pew Research Center, he taught at George Mason University, Rutgers University and Virginia Commonwealth University, where he also directed a survey research center. Have a good week and I hope to see many of you soon! Best, Leanna -- Leanna Moron President, George Mason Chapter of the American Statistical Association www.gmuamstat.weebly.com <http://www.gmuamstat.weebly.com> http://gmuamstat.weebly.com/uploads/7/1/2/9/71297483/893410028.jpg?271 <http://www.gmuamstat.weebly.com/> American Statistical Association<br />George Mason university Chapter <http://www.gmuamstat.weebly.com/> www.gmuamstat.weebly.com Learn more about professional and academic opportunities in statistics. and statistics-related fields before you even graduate. [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> -- Elizabeth Quigley, Administrative Coordinator Department of Statistics George Mason University ENGR BLDG, Room 1705 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Phone: 703-993-9107 Fax: 703-993-1700