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Benefits of Study Abroad

Did you know that Study Abroad is a great resume-builder? It sets you apart from your job-seeking peers who have not participated in an international experience. By studying abroad, you can enhance your Mason experience and gain valuable skills that can benefit<> you various ways:

  *   Learn how to adapt to new situations and evaluate “old” habits.
  *   Develop an understanding for different cultures.
You may even find similarities!
  *   Learn how to tolerate ambiguity:
the willingness to accept alternative views.
  *   Become more self-confident.
  *   Gain proficiency in a foreign language.

Being able to adapt to a new place, connect with different cultures, and grow both personally and professionally will equip you with the tools to boost your chances in the ever competitive job market.

Still unsure if study abroad is for you? You may have heard of too many obstacles: cost and funding<>, timing<>, and the often cited claim that it is a vacation in disguise. Check your facts! Scholarships can be applied and programs are financial aid eligible. Being an undergraduate provides a unique opportunity to consider spending time abroad and earn credit.

What’s next? Follow the links below to learn more about study abroad options<>for your major or join us at a study abroad social.

Looking forward to coordinating an great international experience with you!

-Mason Study Abroad

Next Steps

  1.  Decide which program is right for you:
     *   Criminology, Law, Society<>
  2.  Meet with a peer advisor [coming soon]
  3.  Create a profile<>
  4.  Schedule an appointment<>
  5.  Open an application
     *   After you have been enrolled into your study abroad program you will receive an acceptance notification with information on post-acceptance materials that must be submitted to organize your experience and guarantee your place in the program.


Upcoming Study Abroad Socials

September 6, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room F

Policy and Government, S-CAR,Global Affairs, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Criminology

Workshop: Financing Study Abroad
September 15, 2pm-3pm
HUB Mtg Room 1

More information
Events Calendar<>








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