Please join us for a seminar hosted by the School of Systems Biology. This seminar is geared towards helping graduate students identify grant and fellowship opportunities. 


Speaker: Kathryn E. Agoston, PhD,  Director of fellowships, George Mason University


Seminar Title: “Grants and Fellowships for Doctoral Students in Biosciences and Health Research Fields"


DateTuesday, October 4, 2016


Time: 10 am until noon


Location: Institute of Advanced Biomedical Research (New life science lab building), Room #1003

Science and Technology Campus



Kylene Kehn-Hall, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Graduate Program Director

School of Systems Biology

National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases

George Mason University


Biomedical Research Laboratory

10650 Pyramid Place, MS 1J5

Manassas, VA 20110

703-993-8869 (Office)

703-993-9493 (Lab)

703-993-4280 (FAX)

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