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August 30, 2016

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A Triple Welcome

Welcome back Mason Nation! We welcome our new exchange students who arrived on campus last week and enjoyed a great tour of the Fairfax campus. Finally, we would like to extend a third welcome and invitation to join us as we kick off the academic year 2016-2017 with an Ice Cream Social<> this
Wednesday, August 30, 2016, from 3pm through 5pm in the HUB Side Pocket. Grab something to nosh, enjoy some wonderful company, hear great stories, and win a PRIZE. We have some giveaways items from around the world just waiting for you. The Confucius Insitute<> will be collaborating with us during this event, presenting Chinese papercut patterns.

[ncoming Exchange Students, Fall 2016]

Incoming Exchange Students, Fall 2016

Featured Programs

Hungary | Budapest Internship Program

This new, innovative, semester program<>, run by Mason in association with Global Knowledge LLC, offers students an unparalleled opportunity to closely examine these issues by focusing on topics such as humanitarian and asylum law, migrant absorption policies, border security, racism and xenophobia, opposition to the integration of refugees, cultural preservation and international cooperation. As such, students will explore existing tensions between state sovereignty and transnationalism and the growing controversy on the future of the European Union.



Vietnam | Dispatches from Vietnam: Then and Now

This course<> aims primarily to give students a taste of what it is like to be a foreign correspondent writing from and about Vietnam to a U.S. audience. Given its shared history with the United States and recent efforts to reconcile past differences, Vietnam provides a unique lens through which students can explore the challenges (and joys!) of writing as an outsider, the complexity of translating a foreign language and culture, and the nuances of covering topics that may be politically sensitive.



New Weekly Webinar

"How to Study Abroad"<> with Daria Stepanova

Every Wednesday at 7:30pm - August 31 through October 12, 2016


Registration is required. A link to participate in the webinar<> will be sent out to all participants prior to the event.

The event<> will take the format of a Q&A, so come with your questions ready. If you're not ready or do not have questions at the beginning, feel free to listen in and ask questions later. You can enter your questions in the chat box or ask them in person. In the latter case, make sure your microphone is working. Neither webcam nor microphone is required to participate.


  *   Learn how to navigate the Mason Study Abroad website
  *   Find out more about study abroad benefits
  *   Overview of program types and programs for different majors
  *   Ask questions about study abroad


Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

You can contact Daria Stepanova directly at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with any questions you might have.


Webinar<> will not be held if there are fewer than 3 participants registered.


Applications open

Please visit your program of interest’s brochure page<> for detailed information on cost, courses, contacts, and more. From there you can click the “Apply Now” button to start your application.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Program Officer<> (listed on your program’s brochure page) to correspond by email or to set up an advising appointment<>.

We look forward to coordinating a great international experience with you! - Mason Study Abroad Staff


Upcoming Events

Study Abroad Ice Cream Social with the Confucius Institute
August 31, 3pm-5pm
HUB Side Pocket

Learn and Lunch with President Cabrera
September 12, 12:30pm-3:30pm (check-in at 12pm)
Merten Hall 1201

Study Abroad Socials
September 6, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room F

September 7, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room D

September 13, 4pm-6pm
HUB Mtg Room 1

September 14, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room G

September 20, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room B

September 21, 4pm-6pm
Johnson Center, Mtg Room F

Workshop: Financing Study Abroad
September 15, 2pm-3pm
HUB Mtg Room 1

More information
Events Calendar<>








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