Dear CEIE Students: I hope you are having a wonderful, productive and fun summer! I want to bring to your attention a fantastic opportunity - please see below.....and then email Lisa Nolder ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) if you would like to participate for one or both days of this event for FREE. George Mason University and our CEIE Department will host the 2nd Annual Symposium on Transportation Informatics: Big Data in Transportation at the Arlington Campus on 08/04-08/05. This event will bring over 150 distinguished practitioners, academicians, policy makers, and industry together for stimulating discussion about cutting edge research and practices. It will be featured by three keynotes by high-profile experts from FHWA, ITE, and NYU, a spotlight panel session on “Connected Vehicles: A Pathway for the Next Generation Transportation System”, and 33 high-quality academic presentations. GMU has a strong presence both as the host, and a series of podium and poster presentations that highlight our academic achievements in this field. I want to invite any student who wishes to attend the symposium for free to email Lisa Nolder ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) and let her know you would like to attend. We will ask you to perform some volunteer duties in return, but they will be easy and consist of checking in attendees for example. You will receive lunch and refreshments at no cost during the event. Please email Lisa Nolder ASAP if you want to attend this conference and have the opportunity to be exposed to world class cutting edge research related to transportation and civil engineering, and have a great networking experience. Dr. Shanjiang Zhu is the lead organizer for the event will follow up with any student who indicates they would like to attend. More information about the event may be found here: I wish you all well and look forward to seeing you very soon. LWD Liza Wilson Durant, PhD Department Chair and Associate Professor Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Volgenau School of Engineering George Mason University Nguyen Engineering Building, Suite 1300 4400 University Drive, MS 6C1 -- Lisa Nolder, M.A. Associate Director for Undergraduate Programs George Mason University Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Volgenau School of Engineering Nguyen Engineering Building, Suite 1300, MS: 6C1 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: 703.993.5607 Students: Please use your Mason e-mail and include your G# with your inquiries. To Schedule an Advising Appointment: