Dr. Davis

From: Sampath, Vijaya <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:24 PM
To: Linda J Davis; Clifton D Sutton
Subject: Social Security Administration - Recruiting Data Scientists!!

Dear Dr. Davis and Dr. Sutton:

My name is Vijaya Sampath and I am an Operations Research Analyst at the Analytics Center of Excellence (ACE)  in the Office of the Chief Strategic Officer (OCSO) at SSA. I was formerly employed at GMU (Office of Admissions) from 2005-2007 during which time I also completed a graduate certificate in the Federal Statistics system from your department.

We at SSA are looking to hire additional data science talent for our organization - mathematical statistician and economists.  Our mission here is to nurture, promote and foster evidence-based policies, actions and decisions. The Analytics Center of Excellence is deemed a critical priority at the agency and a number of efforts are already underway. We are very interested in recent graduates with advanced degrees. I am hoping that you're able to spread the word to your graduating class and encourage them to apply.

I'm forwarding the USA Jobs links (below) for the positions. The positions are open from May 23rd - May 30th.  Unfortunately our recruitment postings are only available for a week. May I also request you to please forward this email to other faculty members, as you see appropriate?

Math/Stat Position


Mathematical Statistician<>

Economist Position

Please do contact me if you need additional details about these positions. Thank you in advance!


Vijaya Sampath

Operations Research Analyst

Analytics Center of Excellence (ACE)

Office of the Chief Strategy Officer (OCSO)

Social Security Administration

Desk: 703-605-7157

BB: 443-469-1371

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