Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week April 4 - 8, 2016 Join the Graduate and Professional Student Association<> and Graduate Student Life<> in celebrating Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week 2016! During this week, we honor the contributions of Mason's 10,000+ graduate and professional students. View the calendar of events below and online at Please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with any questions. Monday, April 4 3:00-5:30pm It's Sweet to Be a Grad Student Johnson Center 240K Join your fellow graduate students for coffee, desserts, and giveaways in the Women and Gender Studies Center<> in Johnson Center 240K. All graduate students are welcome! Sponsored by Women and Gender Studies<>, Graduate Student Life, and Off-Campus Student Programs and Services<>. Tuesday, April 5 9:00-11:00am Graduate Student Appreciation Breakfast Johnson Center 310 (Graduate Student Center) Start the day with a drop-by continental breakfast at the Graduate Student Center, hosted by Graduate Student Life<> and the Journal of Mason Graduate Research<>! 12:00-1:00pm Graduate Fellowship Tuesdays Brown Bag: National Science Foundation and Graduate Research Fellowships Program Q&A Johnson Center, Room D The Office of Graduate Fellowships is hosting a series of mini-workshops on graduate funding opportunities, including grants, fellowships and international opportunities. All Mason graduate students are welcome! Feel free to bring your lunch for the Brown Bag session. Visit the Office of Graduate Fellowships webpage<> for more information. Wednesday, April 6 3:30-7:00pm Graduate Student Center Coffee Break Johnson Center 310 Visit the Graduate Student Center on the third floor of the Johnson Center for our monthly Coffee Break, featuring free coffee, tea, and snacks from 3:30 to 7:00pm! Meet the Graduate Student Life staff and fellow Mason graduate students, and learn about campus resources. Stop by on your way to class and say hello! Co-sponsored by the Journal of Mason Graduate Research<>. Thursday, April 7 12:00-2:00pm Building Community Lunch for Graduate Students of Color Student Union Building I, Room 4210 Graduate students of color and other interested Mason community members are warmly invited to an informal time of connecting with one another and key campus resources over lunch. Share experiences, ask questions, and develop collective wisdom for promoting your success as a graduate student at Mason. Sponsored by Graduate Student Life<>, African and African American Studies<>, and the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education<>. Please register by April 6 if you plan to attend at Friday, April 8 12:00-1:00pm iWeek Parade Johnson Center North Plaza (outdoors) Join the Mason community to kick off International Week 2016 with the annual iWeek Parade, featuring the parade of flags, performances, and an international buffet. To learn more, visit the iWeek webpage<>. Julie Choe Kim Director of Graduate Student Life George Mason University 4400 University Drive, MSN 2A4 Student Union Building 1, Room 4211 Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: 703-993-4031 Fax: 703-993-9528 Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Web: Facebook/Twitter: @MasonGradLife