From: Kylene Kehn-Hall
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 8:21 AM
Subject: SSB Departmental Student Awards


Dear All,

Faculty members, thank you for your graduate student nominations for the SSB Departmental Awards.  Below is a list of students who will be receiving awards this year.  Awards will be given during the COS Award Ceremony on May 11th.  Congratulations to all the students!  Thank you for all your hard work. 

Outstanding Doctoral Student

·         Scott Dean

Best Doctorate of Philosophy dissertation

·         Ryan Blower

Impact Award (PhD Student)

·         Lindsay Lundberg

Outstanding Student Scholar Award

·         Akanksha Kaushal

Impact Award (MS Student)

Stephanie Barksdale

Best Master’s Thesis

·         Noor Ahsan

John Brady Award for Excellence in Retroviral Research

·         Fei Yi



Dr. Kehn-Hall



Kylene Kehn-Hall, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Graduate Program Director

School of Systems Biology

National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases

George Mason University


Biomedical Research Laboratory

10650 Pyramid Place, MS 1J5

Manassas, VA 20110

703-993-8869 (Office)

703-993-9493 (Lab)

703-993-4280 (FAX)

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