Dear All,

We request information regarding External Fellowships/Grants/Awards that you may have received during the 15-16 academic year.  Please send us your  name, awards and contact information by tomorrow so that you can be recognized by the President and Provost. Since I will be out all week, be so kind to include Dr. Mark in this email so he can forward the information to the graduate office.

Thank you,

Claudia Borke
Academic Program Coordinator
Volgenau School of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering
3800 Nguyen Engineering Building, 1G5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 993-4190
Fax: (703) 993-2077

From: Jennifer L Skorzawski-Ross
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 4:11 PM
To: Brian L. Mark; Liza Wilson Durant; Sanjeev Setia; Monson H Hayes; Andre Manitius; William F Rosenberger; Ariela Sofer; Robert Osgood; Bernd-Peter Paris; Andrew G. Loerch
Cc: Claudia Borke; Laura Kosoglu; Catherine S Courtney; Jammie Chang; Toshiko Uchiyama; Charles M Snow; Elizabeth C Quigley; Angel A. Manzo; Stephen G. Nash
Subject: External Fellowships/Grants/Awards

At the Graduate Council meeting in March, Dr. Kay Agoston requested information regarding External Fellowships/Grants/Awards that your students may have received during the 15-16 academic year.  Please send student names, awards and contact information to me so that (s)he can be recognized by the President and Provost.

Thank you,

Jennifer Skorzawski-Ross
Director, Graduate Academic Affairs
Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University
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(703) 993-1505