Dear Students,
Tonight at GMU, in ENGR 1602 from 6:15 to 7:45 pm: there is an
information session about Mantech.
ManTech is a company that provides services to the government in defense, intelligence, law enforcement, administration, health, space science
applications, and other fields. They have offices all over the country, including in Northern Virginia.
There are internships and full-time positions available.
They are looking for people with a CS/ CPE/ or EE background.
This even is sponsored by IEEE but all are are welcome.
Pizza and drinks will be provided.
Best regards,
Patricia Sahs
Academic Programs Coordinator
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Suite 3100
4400 University Drive, MS 1G5
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
(703) 993-1523
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