A reminder that Spring 2016 Student Research Day, Sponsored by the School of Systems Biology, will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Bull Run Hall, Science & Tech (Prince William) Campus Student Research Day is a venue for students in SSB as well as other Science & Tech campus departments - including undergraduates - to present the research they have been working on throughout the semester. Participation is required for Bioinformatics students who plan to graduate in the term. It is optional for all other students. Students will have three options to present their research: Oral Presentations - students must be nominated by their faculty advisers. Generally, there will be 5 slots for oral presentations lasting 15 minutes each. In order to make this fair for everyone only one student can represent each adviser. Poster Presentations - these individuals can nominate themselves with permission from their adviser. Digital Presentations - students will need to provide their own laptop computers for their presentation. Digital presentations will take place at the same time as poster presentations. The deadline for signing up to participate in Student Research Day is Wednesday, April 20, 2016. After this deadline you will not be guaranteed space/time to present. We will be needing the title of your project, the degree program you are in, and the name of your adviser. Please email me with this information at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> If needed, you may also contact Chris Ryan to schedule your poster printing. His office is located in room 310 Occoquan Bldg. and email is [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Thank you and hope to see you all there! Best, Monique Sweeney Administrative Assistant School of Systems Biology George Mason University 10900 University Blvd MSN 5B3 703-993-8400