[https://spin.infoedglobal.com/ImageHandler.ashx?historyId=4595510] SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 31459 Travel Grants<https://spin.infoedglobal.com/Program/Opportunity/31459?historyProgramId=7150528> American Heritage Center 15-Apr-2016 500.00 Contact Name Rick Ewig, Associate Director Sponsor Website http://www.uwyo.edu Program URL http://www.uwyo.edu/ahc/grants/index.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-Apr-2016 Synopsis The American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming offers five annual travel grants to be used by scholars. The grants are for up to $500 each and provide support for travel, food and lodging to carry out research using the American Heritage Center's collections. SMARTS™ funding alerts are a service of InfoEd Global<http://www.infoedglobal.com>'s SPIN™ funding opportunities.