Due to the imminent snowstorm, the STEAM event has been rescheduled


Students and Faculty - Please save this date (Thurs Feb 4, 2016 4:30 pm) and join us in the Engr Bldg ATRIUM for refreshments (cocoa, hot cider, cookies) and interaction with likeminded ART and THEATER students as well as ENGINEERS from all disciplines who share your interest in designing solutions to challenging problems.  While most of you are familiar with our Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe projects, please come out and learn more about the 100th Meridian Project and opportunities for cross disciplinary collaboration.  


I hope to see all of you there to celebrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM)!  


Liza Wilson Durant, PhD

Acting Department Chair and Associate Professor

Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, 

Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering

Volgenau School of Engineering

George Mason University

Nguyen Engineering Building, Suite 1300

4400 University Drive, MS 6C1

Fairfax, Virginia  22030

Phone 703.993.1687



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