
I write with good news. As some of you know very well, when I originally took this position and worked with Rosie, Honors LLCs had about 215 residents total. Now that our communities have almost doubled in size, we've finally received the green light to offer a GA opportunity. Here is the position description:

The Honors College invites applications for a Graduate Assistant (GA) to support the Honors College Living Learning Communities 15-20 hours a week this coming spring 2016 semester.  The GA will be required to work some evening and weekend hours and to be available for pre-semester orientation.  The position includes a stipend of $5752 and six credits of tuition support. If you are interested in being considered for this position, please send your resume to Marilyn Clark [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by Monday December 7th.  Details follow:

The Graduate Assistant (GA) for Honors College Living Learning Communities (LLCs) will work closely with the Honors College Living Learning Community Coordinator and will assist the LLC Coordinator in two main areas:

Program Development and Implementation
--Explore and identify ways to more accurately assess and report on quality of engagement in programs such as Honors College Connects;  9/11 Day of Service; MLK Day of Service; Mason LIFE Book Club
--Also assist with off-campus excursions to museums, local parks, and other experiential education spaces
--Collaborate with a team of eight Honors College Peer Mentors (student staff members) to more deliberately include and mobilize Mason faculty in Honors LLC programs
--When possible, attend and participate in regular meetings with LLC coordinators, Honors College staff members and other appropriate professional partners
--Assist in the creation of an End-of-Year report and future recommendations

Honors College Upper-level Living Learning Community in Eastern Shore
--Research and benchmark best practice institutions on internationalization services and initiatives
--Potentially create an Honors/International Student Advisory Board in order to determine what kind of programming and additional support both populations need.

Thank you so much for helping me spread the good word!


Kevin Stoy
Living Learning Community (LLC) Coordinator

Honors College<>, George Mason University

tel: 703-993-2132    fax: 703-993-1323
Honors LLC web page<>
Follow our community on twitter<>

Strengths: Arranger, Individualization, Input, Context, Strategic