Cynthia A. Kierner
Professor of History
Director, Ph.D. Program in History
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
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Begin forwarded message:

From: Luke Erin Stowell <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Association of Historians at Georgia State University Graduate History Conference
Date: December 2, 2015 at 11:22:31 AM EST
To: Undisclosed recipients:;

Good Afternoon,

Please find attached the call for papers for the Associations of Historians at Georgia State University (AHGSU) 2016 graduate student history conference.  Could you please forward this call to your graduate students?  This year's conference is entitled Writing History Across Borders: Transcending Personal, Social and Political Boundaries.  The conference will be held March 25-26 at Georgia State University in Atlanta, and the paper proposal deadline isJanuary 22.


Luke Stowell
Georgia State University
History Department
PhD student
Graduate Teaching Assistant
AHGSU Secretary/Assistant Conference Director