Hi, my name is Roy Rogers and I am PhD Candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center. I am writing today to ask you to distribute to the graduate students in your program the call for papers for a upcoming graduate student conference here at the Graduate Center. This year's conference, to be held on May 13th 2016, is entitled "Revolutionary Boundaries in Early American History" and we are soliciting proposals for papers that range from the colonial period to the end of the Civil War. Topics can include but are not limited to gender, material culture, religion, the Atlantic World, slavery, Native American history, politics, law, print culture, immigration, urbanism, capitalism, digital humanities, and environmental history. Our keynote speaker will be Catherine Kelly, Associate Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma and editor of the Journal of the Early Republic. The deadline for paper submissions is January 16th, 2016. CUNY Graduate Center’s Early American Republic Seminar (EARS) is a student-run organization focused on promoting and facilitating the study of early American history. Our primary mission is to provide a space for graduate students and early career scholars to present works in progress in a rigorous but collegial environment. EARS has also hosted a number of public talks by prominent historians. Our website (including our current schedule) can be found here<https://cunyears.wordpress.com/>. Thank you for your time and I hope that this e-mail finds you well. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me. Best, Roy Rogers -- Roy R. Rogers, ABD Dissertation Fellow, CUNY Graduate Center Adjunct Instructor, Bronx Community College - College Now PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center Contributor, The Junto: A Group Blog on Early American History<http://earlyamericanists.com/> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>