Another solution to the shuffle is to use a class that wraps a MersenneTwisterFast and extends Random. Like so:class MTFWrapper extends Random{MersenneTwisterFast rng;public MTFWrapper(MersenneTwisterFast r) { rng = r; }public synchronized void setSeed(long seed) { rng.setSeed(seed); }public synchronized int nextInt() { return rng.nextInt(); }public synchronized int nextInt(int n) { return rng.nextInt(n); }public synchronized long nextLong() { return rng.nextLong(); }public synchronized boolean nextBoolean() { return rng.nextBoolean(); }public synchronized float nextFloat() { return rng.nextFloat(); }public synchronized double nextDouble() { return rng.nextDouble(); }public synchronized void nextBytes(byte[] bytes) { rng.nextBytes(bytes); }public synchronized double nextGaussian() { return rng.nextGaussian(); }}Then you can shuffle any collection you want:Collections.shuffle(agentList, new MTFWrapper(state.random));Another method still is to write your own shuffle function:public static void shuffle(List list, MersenneTwisterFast mtf){int numObjs = list.size();Object obj;int rand;for(int x=numObjs-1; x >= 1 ; x--){rand = mtf.nextInt(x+1);obj = list.get(x);list.set(x, list.get(rand));list.set(rand, obj);}}Note: I'm nearly certain Sean wrote this code.Good luck,JoeyOn Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 12:12 AM, Russell Thomas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:I have accomplished this by having an łagents" Bag variable in the main
class (SimState), and then every time I create a new object, I add it to
the łagents" bag. Then I iterate over all agents simply by looping using
get() method. If your agents ever die, then you also need to remove them
from the łagents˛ bag. This, of course, requires passing the SimState
object to what ever object is iterating over all agents. But, in my case,
these objects involved UI, data collection, debug, and other
administrative functions, and not objects within the model Iąm simulating.
With this method, you never need to be concerned with where they might
reside in any other data structure, including ObjectGrid or SparseGrid.
On 10/24/15, 9:56 PM, "MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit on behalf of
Sean Luke" <[log in to unmask] on behalf of
[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Iterating over all the objects in an ObjectGrid2D means iterating over
>every single
>cell in the array. If you don't have a lot of objects relative to the
>cells, this can
>be very slow, and it would make more sense to use a SparseGrid2D instead.
>You could use a double for-loop to go through all the objects. But
>elements() isn't too slow, and it's O(1).
>On Oct 24, 2015, at 10:37 AM, Axel Kowald <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hello Together,
>> I just wonder what the best way is to iterate over all the agent on my
>> ObjectGrid2D ?
>> Currently I'm extracting a Bag with all agents by using the elements()
>> method. It works, but I'm not sure how fast/slow it is. Would it be
>> worth to maintain my own Bag and do the bookkeeping by
>> inserting/removing agents when needed?
>> thanx,
>> Axel