Dear Mason users! I have been using some basic code to produce simulations for quite a while. These tools allow to easily produce interactive simulations with graphs, controls, and a reasonable screen layout. I have now cleaned up this set of tools and uploaded it to github. Comments and suggestions are always welcome, you are free to use and modify the toolset under the terms of the AFL. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. The collection features: * *Declared Properties:* A way to neatly set properties on parameter classes * *TitledSimpleInspector:* A better looking inspector allowing for titles and thus sections * *DataCollector:* A utitity class that collects data and is neatly inspectable * *DataCollectorChart:* An automatic Charting facility for the DataCollector * *Layout*: An automatic Layout to fill the screen with display, console and charts * *Flockers*: An example using the whole Suite Furthermore there is some scala classes to use the Properties and the Datacollector neatly from scala. As I use Scala for modelling this is more convenient. Actually Mason and Scala work nicely - you can find a Schelling example in Scala in the source. The toolset can be found on: I also have a toolset for parameter sweeps and cloud computing. I will clean it up and publish it as soon as I find time. best regards, roman