I just noticed your response, Sean. Proposal defense has my mind more
scattered than I realized, apparently. Once I have a bit more breathing
room, I'd like to help connect GitHub more to the contributing loop. Here
is my proposal. Let me know if you would like this. If not, I won't try it.

   - Github API extends to Issue tracking. I'd like to echo issues to
   `MASON-INTEREST` (or HELP), rather than prohibit them.

   - I'd like to see (or, write) a README.md document, that explains how to
   contribute to MASON.

   - I'd like to allow people to submit pull requests. But, explain in the
   contributing guide that, they won't merged via GitHub. Each pull request
   must be submitted as a separate branch. I'll take the branch, and submit
   the .patch to MASON-INTEREST-L (or HELP). Even as a trial, I think this
   may be a good way to test the waters for contributors.


// Johnny

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 6:31 PM, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> On Sep 19, 2015, at 8:30 AM, John Nelson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > - Sean manages the GitHub repo. It's read only. It doesn't accept PRs.
> Issue tracking is disabled, (by convention, not settings.)
> > - Some underlying SVN repo is the true central repository. Sean
> integrates over that repository, the pushes to the GitHub repo.
> > - Contributions take place through emailed patches to Sean or
> Anyway, this is basically correct for the MASON core code.  MASON is
> mostly cathedral.
> > A friend just side-barred me and said my email came off as really
> passive aggressive. If anyone felt that way (Sean, especially,) I'm sorry!
> That was not my intention.
> Nope, I didn't read it that way at all.  MASON has only recently moved to
> GitHub, and I'm not comfy with Git.
> Sean