We have added a BONUS seminar to the fall 2015 schedule, "Epigenetics" with Dr. Fryxell. Students can register for it until October 26, since it will meet the last half of the fall semester. This counts as one of the "seminar" course requirements for both MS and PHD students BIOL 695 (Master's students) / BIOS 704 (PhD students) "Epigenetics", 1 credit with Dr. Karl Fryxell as instructor. The course meets Wed 4:30-7:10 at the Science & Tech (Prince William) campus, for 5 weeks only, and there is no final exam. The course dates are 10/28 through 12/9 (no class on 11/25 - included in the Thanksgiving holiday). Please see the Fall 2015 Schedule of Classes to obtain the CRN and register. Thank you, Diane St. Germain [email signature]