Dear Ph.D. Students,

There is a wonderful internship opportunity for the Spring semester at the National Museum of American History in the museum's development office.  This internship is particularly well suited for students who are interested in working in museums or in non-profit fundraising in general.  See attached flyer for more details.

Interested students can apply through the Smithsonian's online system at:  and can follow up with an email sent directly to:

Lauren Collette

Manager, The Smithsonian Council for American History

Smithsonian Institution

National Museum of American History

202-633-3737 | [log in to unmask]


All applications are due by October 1.

To learn more, please visit:

Dr. Smith

Suzanne E. Smith
Professor of History
Internship Director
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
(703) 993-2147
(703) 993-1251 (fax)