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Date: August 26, 2015 at 7:17:54 AM EDT
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Subject: Directors of Graduate Studies Digest for Tuesday August 25, 2015
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Directors of Graduate Studies

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Aug 25, 2015
started 17 hours ago, Emily Swafford (0 replies)
AHA Guide to Graduate Study in History   external link to thread view
1.  Dear Colleagues, The AHA, in consultation... Emily Swafford

1. AHA Guide to Graduate Study in History
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Emily Swafford
Aug 25, 2015 1:59 PM
Emily Swafford

Dear Colleagues,

The AHA, in consultation with the Graduate and Early Career Committee and the Professional Division, is pleased to offer a Guide to Graduate Study in History. This short PDF provides graduate students and those interested in pursuing graduate study with important information and links to AHA resources. We hope it will be useful from the start to finish of their graduate careers.

Please find the guide at

Please circulate this link among the students in your department. If you have a suitable place on your department website, we hope you will post this document. We hope that every current and prospective graduate student in history has access to this important information.

Kind regards,
Emily Swafford

Emily Swafford
American Historical Assoc.
Washington DC
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