Subject: Looking for an Acquisitions Specialist in DC

Historical Information Gatherers is looking for an Acquisitions Specialist to assist us with our fire insurance map scanning project at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.  Fire insurance maps will be digitized through a variety of methods, including the use of a camera.  Strong computer skills are a must.  Experience in digital photography, library work, or scanning is a plus.  This would be an excellent experience for someone starting their career in library science, photography, or anyone who loves maps.  Need staffer to work during the hours of 7a-5p Monday through Friday. Positions are temporary through April of 2016 with the potential for permanent employment.  To express interest in the position(s), please write to:

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Feel free to forward this information to any parties who may be interested.

Thank you,

David Hodnefield


   [Description:              cid:image001.png@01CD70F3.D84978F0]    limiting liability with relevant environmental research

David Hodnefield, President

Historical Information Gatherers

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

952-253-2004 ext 111<>