See message below concerning job openings at Census Bureau.

Victoria Garcia-Toutsis is one of our recent MS graduates.

If interested, please email Victoria directly mentioning that you are responding to an email she sent to me.  You can check out the job listings at

Dr. Davis

From: Victoria Garcia-Toutsis <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 1:55 PM
To: Linda J Davis
Subject: Mathematical Statistician Jobs
Hi Dr. Davis,
How are you?
I hope your summer is going well. Mine is good - different because I do not have a dead line (before school starts again) to accomplish some tasks.

The reason I am contacting you is because we are super - understaffed and we finally have approval to hire new people. There are several openings in my Branch/Division. We were encouraged to call our friends and professors to ask if there are any new graduates interested in working for the Federal Government in a career in Statistics and methodology. The jobs are posted in USAJobs. My boss told us/me that if someone I know applies for a job position, I can give her the name and she will see to it that he/she gets an interview/ and possibly a job. Any graduate; undergraduate or graduate, can apply.

Would you please pass this on. Thank you.

Have a blessed day,
