85687 Stuart L. Bernath Dissertation Research Grant Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 01-Oct-2015 4,000.00
Contact Telephone 614-292-3001 Contact Email [log in to unmask] Sponsor Website http://www.shafr.org Program URL https://shafr.org/members/fellowships-grants/stuart-l-bernath-dissertation-research-grant Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-Oct-2015 Synopsis The sponsor provides support of up to $4,000 to help graduate students defray expenses encountered in the writing of dissertations dealing with some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history.
85702 W. Stull Holt Dissertation Fellowship Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 01-Oct-2015 4,000.00
Contact Telephone 614-292-3001 Contact Email [log in to unmask] Sponsor Website http://www.shafr.org Program URL https://shafr.org/members/fellowships-grants/holt Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-Oct-2015 Synopsis This fellowship of $4,000 is intended to defray costs of travel necessary to conduct research on a significant dissertation project dealing with some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history.
85707 Lawrence Gelfand– Armin Rappaport – Walter LaFeber Dissertation Fellowship Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 01-Oct-2015 4,000.00
Contact Telephone 614-292-3001 Contact Email [log in to unmask] Sponsor Website http://www.shafr.org/ Program URL https://shafr.org/members/fellowships-grants/lawrence-gelfand-armin-rappaport-walter-lafeber-dissertation-fellowship Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-Oct-2015 Synopsis The Gelfand-Rappaport-LaFeber Fellowship of up to $4,000 is intended to defray the costs of dissertation research travel. The fellowship is awarded annually at SHAFR luncheon held during the annual meeting of the American Historical Association.
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