85687   StuartL.BernathDissertationResearchGrant<https://spin.infoedglobal.com/Program/Opportunity/85687?historyProgramId=1106738>      SocietyforHistoriansofAmericanForeignRelations          01-Oct-2015     4,000.00

Contact Telephone       614-292-3001
Contact Email   [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Sponsor Website http://www.shafr.org<http://www.shafr.org/>
Program URL     https://shafr.org/members/fellowships-grants/stuart-l-bernath-dissertation-research-grant
Deadline Dates (ALL)    01-Oct-2015

The sponsor provides support of up to $4,000 to help graduate students defray expenses encountered in the writing of dissertations dealing with some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history.

        85702   W. Stull Holt Dissertation Fellowship<https://spin.infoedglobal.com/Program/Opportunity/85702?historyProgramId=1106739> Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations            01-Oct-2015     4,000.00

Contact Telephone       614-292-3001
Contact Email   [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Sponsor Website http://www.shafr.org<http://www.shafr.org/>
Program URL     https://shafr.org/members/fellowships-grants/holt
Deadline Dates (ALL)    01-Oct-2015

This fellowship of $4,000 is intended to defray costs of travel necessary to conduct research on a significant dissertation project dealing with some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history.

        85707   Lawrence Gelfand– Armin Rappaport – Walter LaFeber Dissertation Fellowship<https://spin.infoedglobal.com/Program/Opportunity/85707?historyProgramId=1106740>    Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations            01-Oct-2015     4,000.00

Contact Telephone       614-292-3001
Contact Email   [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Sponsor Website http://www.shafr.org/
Program URL     https://shafr.org/members/fellowships-grants/lawrence-gelfand-armin-rappaport-walter-lafeber-dissertation-fellowship
Deadline Dates (ALL)    01-Oct-2015

The Gelfand-Rappaport-LaFeber Fellowship of up to $4,000 is intended to defray the costs of dissertation research travel. The fellowship is awarded annually at SHAFR luncheon held during the annual meeting of the American Historical Association.

SMARTS™ funding alerts are a service of InfoEd Global<http://www.infoedglobal.com/>'s SPIN™ funding opportunities.