From: University Life - Science and Technology Campus - George Mason University [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of University Life - Science and Technology Campus - George Mason University
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 10:08 AM

George Mason University
Science and Technology Campus
Customer Dining Survey


In our continuing efforts to enhance the ability of George Mason University to meet the needs of the Science and Technology Campus community, the University has engaged Porter Khouw Consulting to assist us in examining the dining preferences on campus and the current operations at Randall's Café.

As a part of this process, a survey has been developed. The survey content is based on market research Porter Khouw Consulting conducted while on campus.

The survey is posted to the internet. You may click directly on the URL address<>
which will take you directly to the survey. Once you have completed the survey, press the submit button and you will be asked to register for a prize drawing.

As an additional incentive to help enhance campus dining services at the Science and Technology Campus (formerly Prince William Campus), the University is offering the following prizes:

Grand Prize: One winner will receive iPad Air 2 []

First Prize:$100 Visa gift card

Second Prize: $50 Visa gift card

The winners will be drawn from surveys submitted on the internet and notified by e-mail.

Thank you for your personal role in helping to enhance campus dining services at George Mason University Science and Technology Campus.

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George Mason University
University Life - Science and Technology Campus
Phone: 703-993-9779 | Fax: 703-993-8360 | Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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