Mason Water Symposium

Highlighting Inter-disciplinary Water Research and Conservation

April 30, 9am-5pm, George Mason University, 3rd Floor Johnson Center, Room G, Fairfax VA



Overview: The Mason Water Symposium highlights inter-disciplinary water science, engineering, and policy achievements and enables water-focused collaborations across the campus and beyond. The Symposium will showcase the brightest and best undergraduate and graduate student projects in water science, engineering and policy as well as lectures from key Mason researchers and professors. The Symposium will also host several invited speakers from government and private sector partners. All members of the Mason Community interested in all aspects of water-related professions and all supporters of water science, engineering and policy are invited to join us for a fantastic day of student presentations and guest speakers. For more information about the symposium or to submit a poster and compete for prestigious cash awards, contact Fernanda Craig ([log in to unmask]).



Speakers are in Room G, posters & refreshments in Room F


8:00        Coffee and Registration, Poster setup, Room F

8:45        Prof. Paul Houser (GMU-GGS): Welcome to the Mason Water Symposium


9:00        Sarah Bucci (Environment Virginia): Protecting Virginia’s Rivers and Streams

9:20        Chris Ruck/Danielle Wynne (Fairfax County) – Stormwater Management in Fairfax

9:40        Prof. Xixi Wang (ODU): Water Studies at ODU

10:00      Prof. Kevin McGuire (VT): Virginia Water Resources Research Center at 50 (Via WebEx)


10:20      Coffee Break and Poster Session, Room F


10:40      Dr. Jerad Bales (USGS): Water Research at the USGS and beyond

11:00      Dr. Jared Entin (NASA-HQ): NASA’s Water Research Portfolio

11:20      Dr. Joe Manous (USACE-IWR): Water Resources and the USACE

11:40      Nicholas DiPasquale (Director, Chesapeake Bay Program Office USEPA): The Chesapeake Bay Program


12:00      Lunch (provided), Room F

12:30      Keynote Speaker: Prof. Viviana Maggioni (GMU-CEIE), Engineering Solutions for Water Problems


1:00        Prof. John Qu (GMU): GENRI and ESTC

1:20        Margaret Lo (GMU-Facilities): Water Sustainability on Campus

1:40        Dr. Andrew Badger (GMU-AOES): Hydrologic Impacts to Large-Scale Land-Use Change

2:00        Julie Minde (GMU- School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution): Water and Conflict Resolution

2:20        Erik Hovland (GMU-GGS): Green Roof Impacts on Stormwater Runoff


2:40        Coffee Break and Poster Session, Room F


3:00        Prof. Changwoo Ahn (GMU-ESP): Ecoscience&Art and wetland research

3:20        Prof. Daniel Sklarew (GMU-PEREC): 40 Years to Quench Our Thirst: Sustainable Water Development

3:40        Prof. Cindy Smith (GMU-NCC&PEREC): Water education and outreach

4:00        Dr. Scott Rudlosky (NOAA): Lightning Observations and Applications

4:20        Hydrosphere Class Project (GGS/AOES): Impact of Climate Oscillations on Virginia Waters


4:40        Poster Awards and Symposium Wrap-up


Mason Water Forum Staff: Fernanda Craig, Kathleen Copeland-Fish, Lisa LaCivita & Morvarid Ganjalizadeh