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Summer 2015 Israel and Palestine Internship Program:<>

An Applied Workshop in Civil Society, Politics and Conflict Resolution<>

Dates: June 4 – August 7, 2015
Application Deadline: February 27, 2015
Program Director: Yehuda Lukacs, PhD (see bio<>)

Dear Colleague:

We invite your students to participate in our Summer 2015 Israel and Palestine Internship Program: An Applied Workshop in Civil Society, Politics and Conflict Resolution<>, June 4 to August 7, 2015. Participation is is open to undergraduate and graduate students, offering 9 undergraduate and 6 graduate credits in multiple disciplines.

The nine-week program begins with a one-week intensive seminar in Jerusalem. The internship component follows with eight weeks of a full-time internship placement (5 days/week, 8 hours/day) in either an Israeli or a Palestinian organization. (Previous internship locations include: Jerusalem, Ramallah, Tel Aviv, Nazareth, the Galilee, and Bethlehem. Themat.)

The internships are related to Conflict Resolution, Politics, Communication, Environmental Studies, Peace Studies, International Relations, Human Rights, Sociology/Anthropology, Economics, or Business and Finance in Israel and Palestine.

The program offers a unique life-changing opportunity to obtain hands-on experience working in Israel and/or the Palestinian territories. Students participate in day-to-day activities, learning about the complexity of daily life in in Israel and Palestine.

Thematically, this program introduces students to underlying dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Students learn firsthand about the socio-political climate in each society, and current issues affecting the diplomatic process. Participants interact with ordinary Israelis and Palestinians, whose lives are shaped by the conflict, thus leading to a deeper appreciation of the multiple factors constituting this protracted conflict. Learning is approached through an interdisciplinary pedagogy where political agreements are presented as necessary, but viewed as insufficient to credible and transformative peace. Students have the opportunity to interact directly with stakeholders, including NGO’s, the private sector, educational institutions, government officials, and international organizations which often present conflicting and contradictory perspectives on various aspects of the conflict.

The aim of this program is to allow students to experience firsthand how the conflict has shaped the lives of ordinary citizens and their respective communities. It is expected each student will complete the program with a deeper understanding of the causes of, and myriad perspectives on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Students should also be able to develop a comparative analytical framework for analyzing inter-communal conflicts, apply theory to practice, and examine multiple dimensions of the conflict that could be applied to other conflict zones as well.

Principal Program Themes

  *   Role of conflicting historical narratives
  *   Conflict dynamics
  *   Roots of violence
  *   Role of culture
  *   Nationalism, ideology and religion
  *   Mythology and history
  *   Role of external parties
  *   Conflict resolution, transformation, and peace building

  *   Role of economics, business, and trade in conflict resolution
  *   The meaning of sustainable development
  *   Identity and land
  *   Role of NGOs
  *   Professional culture in Israel and Palestine: role of the workplace

Apply<> by the February 27, 2015 deadline. To request additional program information, contact Mary Getsey Bernier<mailto:[log in to unmask]> at George Mason University, Center for Global Education<>.

Program Director: Yehuda Lukacs, PhD

Yehuda Lukacs is Associate Provost for International Programs and Director of the Center for Global Education. He also teaches International Relations and History at George Mason University. He has taught at the School of International Service at American University<>, and the University of Maryland at Baltimore County<>. In January 2002, he was a visiting professor of International Relations at University College Cork, Ireland<>. He has published several articles and books dealing with contemporary international relations and Arab-Israeli affairs.


George Mason University
Center for Global Education
Johnson Center, Room 235
4400 University Drive, MS 2B8
Fairfax, VA 22030

voice 703-993-2154
fax 703-993-2153
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