All, There seems to be some continued confusion regarding registration for HIST 810. For those students still within 6 credits of Colloquium, please go into PatriotWeb and register yourself. The only courses with controlled enrollment this semester are HIST 697, HIST 998 and HIST 999. HIST 697 and 998 are managed by me. Students should e-mail me requesting access to 697. For 998 have your faculty member write me authorizing the release of their CRN. HST 999 must be requested through CHSS Academic Affairs. I am including instructions below for those students who are advanced. HIST 999-0: Doct Dissertation Resrch Doctoral dissertation research and writing under direction of student's dissertation committee. Students interested in registering for 999 should carefully review the university and college polices concerning 999 registration. Students needing to register for 799 or 998 should contact their Graduate Program Director for the registration code. Only students who have had their dissertation proposal approved by their committee are eligible to register for 999. A copy of the signed proposal sheet should be sent by the department/program to the CHSS Office of Graduate Academic Affairs for inclusion in the student's file. The 999 code will not be release to a student until this document has been received with all necessary approvals of faculty. Students who are eligible to receive the 999 code should send an e-mail to [log in to unmask] No codes will be given out over the phone. This e-mail MUST contain the following information: 1. Student's full name 2. Student's G number 3. Student's program (e.g., History, Psychology, Cultural Studies) 4. The name of the student's dissertation advisor 5. The number of 999 credits the student intends to register for* *Students should be familiar with the dissertation policies listed in the university catalog. Students should submit the request using their official George Mason e-mail address. Registration codes cannot be sent to a non-George Mason e-mail address without written permission from the student. Students who wish to have their code sent to a non-George Mason e-mail address must fax a signed request to 703.993.8714. All requests should include the student's G number, program, advisor, and number of credits they intend to enroll for. Requests for 999 codes should be made at least one week prior to the first day of classes each semester. Students registering for 999 on or after the first day of classes may be subject to a non-refundable late registration fee of up to $250. Students are also responsible for making timely payment of tuition and fees. If you have any questions about 999 registration or dissertation policies, please contact the CHSS Office of Graduate Academic Affairs at [log in to unmask] or 703.993.8864. ( Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Cheers- Nicole Nicole A. Roth Graduate Coordinator PhD History, MA History & MA Art History George Mason University 4400 University Drive, MS 3G1 Fairfax, VA 22030 (O) 703.993.1248 (F) 703.993.1251 Mason Staff Senator