Thanks for doing this, David. As I mentioned in colloquium, doing these courses as part of a small group works best for all concerned. Also, this is a great time for me to remind you--if you need reminding--to consult the program guidelines (online) for directions on how to plan for a prospective 803 or 804, and how yo register when the time comes. For both courses, obviously, you need to discuss your plan with relevant faculty and get their approval before you can register. For HIST-804 (minor field readings), you also need to submit a formal proposal to the Graduate Committee--NOT to me. Submission deadlines are normally in October and November, coinciding with the Grad Committee meetings. When Prof. Scully announces the exact dates, I will let you know. Have a good week. Cindy Cynthia A. Kierner Professor of History Director, Ph.D. Program in History George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia 22030 ________________________________ From: HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of David McKenzie <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 10:19 PM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: HIST 803 & 804 spreadsheet Hi all--as Cindy asked me to do (and I'm finally getting down to): I've created a spreadsheet for anyone who is planning to take a 803 or 804 (separate tabs) this spring or summer. I put a few different columns--feel free to fill out as many or as few as you'd like: I hope this helps everyone! David