This service is paid for by the University for your use. I highly recommend that you try it out! Use the attached instructions to create a profile. You'll want to make sure that you do this from a University registered computer/network, so best to try it next time you're on campus. Cheers- Nicole SPIN Funding Opportunities The World's #1 Funding Opportunities Database How much time have you wasted searching sponsor databases, opportunities databases, sifting through inadequate search results, paper, spreadsheet, one-off websites, and generally wasting time on tools that are supposed to be saving you time? SPIN is web-based for access from anywhere, easy to use out-of-the-box, and can be customized to bring back precisely the results you want. Perfect for both individual and administrative users, SPIN offers active searching, automated opportunity matching, and daily opportunity notifications Nicole A. Roth Graduate Coordinator PhD History, MA History & MA Art History George Mason University 4400 University Drive, MS 3G1 Fairfax, VA 22030 (O) 703.993.1248 (F) 703.993.1251 Mason Staff Senator