From: Omohundro Institute [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 6:42 PM
To: Cynthia A Kierner
Subject: Omohundro Institute Fellowship Opportunities, 20142015

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Fellowhsips at Omohundro Institute

Rigorous scholarship takes time. It also benefits from review by knowledgeable peers. That is why the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture offers a variety of ways for scholars to pursue both writing and research opportunities and why we are especially pleased to announce some new initiatives for 2014–2015.

In addition to direct funding from the Omohundro Institute, fellows benefit from contributions made by our Executive Board members, Colonial Williamsburg and the National Endowment for the Humanities. We are very grateful for their support.


Omohundro Institute-NEH Postdoctoral Fellowship ( – a two-year residential postdoctoral fellowship in any area of early American studies that is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions for the first year and by the Omohundro Institute for the second year. This fellowship is awarded annually. A principal criterion for selection is that the candidate’s dissertation or other manuscript has significant potential as a distinguished, book-length contribution to scholarship. A substantial portion of the work must be submitted with the application. The Omohundro Institute holds first claim on publishing the appointed fellow’s completed manuscript. Applications for 2015–2017 are due October 30, 2014.


New: Scholars’ Workshop ( ) — will take place at the OIEAHC offices on the campus of the College of William & Mary, July 6–17, 2015. The Workshop will provide an opportunity for six untenured scholars to work both as a group and individually with Institute editors and staff on either a manuscript chapter or a journal article in progress. The two weeks include seminar-style meetings on conceptual development, manuscript editing, and source verification as well as time for writing, revising, and consulting. Participants are invited, but not required, to remain in Williamsburg for an additional two weeks after the Workshop concludes. Applications are due January 15, 2015.

Lapidus-OIEAHC Fellowship ( — Up to four $500 fellowships are awarded to support advanced graduate student research related to Slavery and Print Culture in the Early American and transatlantic world. In addition, up to four $500 fellowships are awarded to support advanced graduate student research related to Early American and transatlantic print culture, including authorship, production, circulation, and reception. Applications are due January 15, 2015.

New: Colonial Williamsburg-Omohundro Institute Short-Term Visiting Fellowships ( — will bring scholars, from advanced graduate students to senior scholars, to Williamsburg, Virginia, for periods of 1–3 months to use the combined scholarly resources of both organizations. Fellows will be in continuous residence at the Omohundro Institute and have office space in the College of William & Mary’s Swem Library, home of the Omohundro Institute, as well as 24-hour access to Colonial Williamsburg’s John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library. Fellows will present their work at an Omohundro Institute roundtable and will also have the opportunity to participate in the intellectual life of the scholarly community in Williamsburg through colloquia, seminars, and lectures at the Omohundro Institute, Colonial Williamsburg, and William & Mary. The application deadlines for 2014–2015 are November 13, 2014 and May 13, 2015.

Travel Scholars Fellowship ( — awarded to faculty and graduate students from developing countries to support participation in an Institute conference or workshop.

Please direct any questions to Martha Howard at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Image Credits (left to right)


[Enslaved Girl], by Mary Anna Randolph Custis. Watercolor, pencil, and ink on paper, 1830. Courtesy, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, acc. no. 2007-34, 1.

“An Indian Warrior, Entering his Wigwam with a Scalp.” From Thomas Anburey, Travels through the Interior Parts of America (London, 1789), vol. 1, opposite p. 291. Courtesy, Library of Congress.

Spring Fishing, by an unknown artist. Watercolor and pencil on paper, ca. 1825. Courtesy, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, acc. no. 1934.301.6.

Unus Americanus ex Virginia, by Wenceslaus Hollar. Etching, Antwerp, 1645. Courtesy, Library of Congress. This image depicts a twenty-three-year-old Munsee (Algonquian) man named Jaques who was captured in the First Dutch-Munsee War, or Krieft’s War, on Long Island in the 1640s and brought to the Dutch Republic.

Sugar estate—Negroes cutting cane, by William Berryman. Watercolor and black ink, [1808–1816]. Courtesy, Library of Congress.

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