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Photo of Ruins

Cities and Gods: From Athens to Istanbul

Visit the birth place of philosophy and western civilization while exploring the cultural fusion of the Mediterranean, Europe and Asia. Earn 3 credits in History 398, Government 329, Art History 398, Classics 390, Sociology 320, Philosophy 398, Honors 130, or Honors 240.

This is a great program to peak your interest in the connection between the political world and public life using the ancient Mediterranean world as a backdrop. Visit ancient Greek and Turkish sites, such as Olympia, Delphi, Aphrodisias, Troy and many more. Take a ferry ride to the island Crete before spending your final few days in Istanbul. ​Program Director Dr. Char Miller will use these visits, to give context to and deepen your understanding of the connection between gods and cities.



CGE Scholarship Application

The Center for Global Education administers two scholarships bi-annually, open to George Mason University students: the CGE Global Perspectives Scholarship and the CGE Monroe “Chip” Whitton Scholarship.

How to apply: All scholarship application materials must be received by CGE by 5:00PM on October 3, 2014. Upon receipt of all materials, applicants will receive a confirmation e-mail. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure his or her application materials have been received. READ MORE


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George Mason University
Center for Global Education
Johnson Center, Room 235
4400 University Drive, MS 2B8
Fairfax, VA 22030






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Ms. Marie alice Arnold

General Manager, Center for Global Education

George Mason University

Johnson Center Room 235

4400 University Drive MS: 2B8

Fairfax, VA 22030


Telephone: 1-703-993-2167

Fax: 1-703-993-2153

Email: [log in to unmask]