Dr. Davis

From: Ruixin Yang
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 12:09 PM
To: Linda J Davis
Cc: Ruixin Yang
Subject: GRA needed

Dear Dr. Davis,


Could you spread the following works to graduate students in your department.


Thank you.





Ruixin Yang       

Associate Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science


| College of Science            |   Tel: (703)993-3615 (W)                  |

| Exploratory Hall 2409, MS 6C3 |   Fax: (703)993-9230 (Attn: R Yang) |

| George Mason University       |   E-mail: [log in to unmask]             |

| Fairfax, VA 22030                  |   URL:            |




GRA positions available

One Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) position will be available starting from Fall 2014.

The successful applicants will work at the client's site in Washington, DC. Partial financial support will be provided for the local travel from GMU to DC

Below is the work statement for the positions

Comprehensive review and restructuring of farm income and wealth forecast models.  The expected outputs include: (a) updating the economic structure and relationships of forecast models, (b) improving the operational design of models, (c) modernizing the IT processes that underlie the models, and (d) updating published model documentation.  The incumbent will be responsible for designing the IT infrastructure that supports the model formulation and underlying data structures.  The incumbent will work with subject matter experts to discern the economic structure and relationships embedded in each model.  The incumbent will assist in the development of model documentation.

PhD students will be given higher priority.

If interested, please email your resume to Dr. Ruixin Yang at [log in to unmask].