On November 1 we are hosting a Digital Humanities focused workshop called DH Bridge at George Mason University. We will be focusing on building basic computational thinking and digital skills within the context of the humanities. We have an amazing team of coaches who will help guide participants throughout the day, and the Association for Computers and the Humanities has generously agreed to sponsor the workshop. The event is designed to encourage a diverse coding community in the digital humanities and so is open to scholars of all ranks and career paths from under-represented groups interested in learning to use computational thinking in their work. More information and applications are available at: http://dhbridge.org/. We would greatly appreciate it if you passed the information along to those already interested in the digital humanities, or those who are looking for a positive introduction to programming. Celeste Sharpe and Jeri Wieringa PhD Candidates, George Mason University | GRAs, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media