Diane St. Germain


Dear Students,
A reminder that it’s time to register
now if you plan on taking fall 2014 Directed Study credits (BIOS 898/899, BINF 996, BIOL 693, or BINF 796) ! Consult with the professor you will be working with to fill out the Directed Study form on http://ssb.gmu.edu/students/index.cfm   Send me the form once it's signed by you and the professor and I will process the registration.   

For a lab rotation (BIOS 703 or BINF 703), first send an email to the professor for permission and then forward his/her reply to me.  I'll then email you the CRN to use to register with -  the CRN listed in Patriot Web is not a valid registration number. Only PhD students register for lab rotation; Master’s students can use Directed Study for this.

PhD students, if you have not registered in previous terms for dissertation proposal credits (BIOS 998 or BINF 998) and want to begin proposal registration this fall, you'll need to first send me the signed Committee Formation form found on http://ssb.gmu.edu/students/index.cfm .  I will get the dept. and Dean signatures. It is a good idea to plan ahead for spring 2014 registration and get the form to me this fall term. 

Continuing 998 or 999 Dissertation Proposal or Research registration this fall only requires committee signatures on the Dissertation Progress Form, found on the SSB website noted above.

Any questions please let me know.  I would appreciate having the necessary forms or emails by Friday August 1.

Enjoy the rest of the summer; fall semester begins August 25!

thank you, 
Diane St. Germain


Diane St. Germain

Coordinator, Graduate Academic Programs

Biology, Biosciences, Bioinformatics

George Mason University

MS 5B3, 10900 University Blvd. Manassas, VA 20110

Phone (703) 993-4263, Fax (703) 993-8976