University Life’s Offices of Technology Integration and Assessment, Research, and Retention are seeking a combined Graduate Professional
Assistant for AY 2014-2015 to support the implementation and assessment of a variety of student success tools from the integrated Campus Labs Student Success Suite (i.e., Baseline Assessment Platform, Collegiate Link Involvement Platform, and Beacon Early
Alert Platform) (
The GPA will gain experience with project and systems management, staff training and consultation, and data collection and analysis (both
qualitative and quantitative).
This will be an exciting position for a person who has strong communication skills, a desire to build relationships with university stakeholders,
and a passion for exploring what and how students learn outside of the classroom.
This is a nine-month assistantship, $20K for 20 hours a week, and lots of room for autonomy and meaningful contribution to the development
of new pathways for student learning.
Please find the position description attached and application details attached, and please apply at Hiremason, posting #94227.
Michael Galvin
Director, Office of Technology Integration, University Life
Director of University Life Services, Loudoun Instructional Site
George Mason University
MS 2A4, 4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Cell: 571-296-5385
Skypes: Michael Galvin, Univlife01
Twitter: MasonULife