Bosch Foundation Archival Summer School for Young Historians 2014 [Print]<> [E-mail]<> American History in Transatlantic Perspective September 1-12, 2014 Archival Seminar in Chicago, IL; Madison, WI; Boston, MA; Washington, DC Conveners: German Historical Institute, Washington DC; University of Chicago's Department of History; Newberry Library, Chicago; Robert Bosch Stiftung Call for Applications With the generous support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the German Historical Institute, together with the University of Chicago's Department of History, offers an archival program for doctoral students from Germany and the United States. The summer school prepares Ph.D. students working in the field of American history for their prospective research trips. Participants learn how to contact archives, use finding aids, identify important reference tools, and become acquainted with miscellaneous American research facilities, among them the Wisconsin State Historical Society, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, and the Library of Congress. They gain insight into how historical materials are acquired, preserved, and made accessible to historians. In addition, they have the opportunity to meet a number of prominent scholars and discuss their research with them. We hope that participants will gain an appreciation for the various kinds of archives and special collections located in the United States, either for future reference or for their general training as scholars of American history, culture, and society. Students are also welcome to extend their stay in the United States to do their own exploration and research after the program ends. We welcome individual applications but also encourage potential participants to apply together with a transatlantic partner. Participants are expected to form small working groups and initiate cooperation with a partner PhD-student in their respective fields. Applicants should note, however, that they will have limited opportunity to do their own work during the course. Applicants must be registered as Ph.D. students or enrolled in a Ph.D. program at a German or US institution of higher education. The program seeks qualified applicants interested in historical studies in a broad range of fields (art history, economic history, history of consumption, social history, cultural studies, diplomatic history, etc.), and whose projects require consulting sources located in US archives. Preference will be given to those who have already chosen a dissertation topic and written a dissertation proposal. Prospective candidates must have excellent knowledge of written and spoken English. All parts of the program will be conducted in English. The stipends cover expenses for travel and accommodation and include a daily allowance. A complete application consists of: § a cover letter outlining the candidate's motivation to participate; § a curriculum vitae; § a dissertation proposal (4-8 pages); § a letter from the candidate's doctoral advisor. Applicants are encouraged to submit their materials via e-mail. Advisors' letters can be sent directly, by post, or by email<mailto:[log in to unmask]> to: Bosch Archival Summer School for Young Historians German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave, NW Washington, DC 20009-2562 USA Deadline for submission is April 1, 2014 April 30, 2014. For more information, please contact Dr. Mischa Honeck<mailto:[log in to unmask]> at the German Historical Institute.