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Israel and Palestine - Internships - This Summer

Dear Conflict Analysis and Resolution Students,

The deadline for the Israel and Palestine summer 2014 internship program has been extended.

Join us for an unforgettable experience interning for 9 weeks in Israel or Palestine in the summer of 2014. All participants are guaranteed an internship -- a fantastic opportunity for students with an interest in the region. A seminar exploring the depth of Israeli-Palestinian relations will engage students with site visits and meetings with leaders and experts on the topic.

The program fee includes 6 CONF graduate credits or 9 undergraduate credits from Mason (internship course and seminar), housing in a furnished apartment or homestay, internship placement, site visits, excursions and more! 

View more about the Israel and Palestine Internship and internship placements for the program here.

Apply online now to reserve your spot in the program




Center for Global Education
Johnson Center, Room 235 
4400 University Drive, MS 2B8
Fairfax, VA 22030

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