On Feb 26, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Megan Olsen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> When I ask MASON for a bag of neighbors, is this the bag of neighbors based on a previous timestep, or does a neighbor who moved to my neighborhood during this timestep get included? (Since updates are done serially instead of actually parallelized)
> For example, if I have a 2D grid of agents, say it looks like the one below:
> xxxxxoxx
> xxxxo*ox
> xxx#xxxx
> In my new time step, the # agent updates first:
> xxxxxoxx
> xxxxo*ox
> xxxxx#xx
> And now my * agent is updating second.  Will # count as being in *'s neighborhood, even though it moved there during the same timestep, so could be interpretted as "not yet there"?

# will count as being in *'s neighborhood.  Neighborhood lookup is agnostic with regard to "agents" -- it's just looking up *things* that are in the fields.  It just gives you the items as they *currently* are.  
