Thanks for the quick reply!

Have you tried to put text before and after the image? In my first screen shot, there is a huge gap between the tree graph and the texts. I wonder if the same thing will happen in your MacTex. I am using TexShop for windows. Thanks!

Ye Xiaomeng

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I took your code and embedded it in this document:


 \usepackage{epic}     % required by ecltree and fancybox packages
 \usepackage{ecltree}  % to draw the GP trees
 \usepackage{fancybox} % required by \Ovalbox

 % minimum distance between nodes on the same line

 % draw with a thick dashed line, very nice looking
 \thicklines \drawwith{\dottedline{2}}

 % draw an oval and center it with the rule.  You may want to fool with the
 % rule values, though these seem to work quite well for me.  If you make the
 % rule smaller than the text height, then the GP nodes may not line up with
 % each other horizontally quite right, so watch out.




I have attached a PDF showing the result: as you can see, it looks fine.  If you don't get the same result, you may want to look into your latex system (I'm on the latest MacTeX version).
