Did I tell you the one about how I reported to Sun, back in 2002 I think, that ArrayList's get(), set(), and add() methods were not inlinable, and this could be fixed by moving a single line in the code?  As a result for ten years ArrayList has been 5x slower than it needed to be.  They never fixed this: it's still broken.  But the Hotspot crew has special-cased it internally to compensate.

We have collections here and there as necessary.  But yeah, ECJ tends to work with arrays.


On Feb 25, 2014, at 9:12 PM, Raymond Shpeley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hmm... so no Collections...
> "The Java Collections library is unusually badly written in many places internally: 
> and anyway, for speed we tend to work directly with arrays."
> I'll have to check out some examples in ECJ then.
> --