

Dr. Deshmukh has need for an assistant working on revisions for a book manuscript. See below information:


Go through my chapters and add publishers to my footnoted entries.  Currently I have author, title, place of publication and date of publication.  I need to insert the publishers.  This is a tedious process and I have finished 3 chapters out of 9.  I would also like the student to create a bibliography from the cited sources in the footnotes.  I have a bibliography but not every source cited may be listed in it.  I can pay $12 per hour and anticipate the entire process taking between 40-60 hours.  I would like to have this completed by spring break, if possible.  Note:  A number of the titles are in German.


You can contact her directly if you are interested: [log in to unmask]






Nicole A. Roth

Graduate Coordinator

PhD History, MA History & MA Art History

George Mason University

4400 University Drive, MS 3G1

Fairfax, VA 22030

(O) 703.993.1248

(F) 703.993.1251

Mason Staff Senator