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From: H-Net Notifications <[log in to unmask]>
Date: January 13, 2014 at 1:02:26 PM EST
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: H-SAWH: Fellowship: Miller Center National    Fellowship 2014-2015 (deadline 2/1)

Greetings Cynthia A. Kierner,
A new discussion post item has been posted in H-SAWH.

Fellowship: Miller Center National Fellowship 2014-2015 (deadline 2/1)

Title: Miller Center National Fellowship 2014-2015: Application
      Now Open
   Location: Virginia
   Date: 2014-02-01
   Description: The Miller Center at the University of Virginia is
      pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for
      the 2014-2015 National Fellowship program. The Miller Center
      Fellowship program funds scholars completing dissertations that
      employ history to shed light on American politics and public p
   Contact: [log in to unmask]
   Announcement ID: 209185