Again, this question doesn’t make sense. 


On Jan 18, 2014, at 11:14 AM, milan bhatt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello, 
>              I need some solution for the code given below, In this code, I want variables. I want to know that which variables returns from GPInitializer.
>        GPType typ = (GPType)(e.nextElement());
>         // make vectors for the type.
>         Vector nodes_v = new Vector();
>         Vector terminals_v = new Vector();
>         Vector nonterminals_v = new Vector();
>         // add GPFuncInfos as appropriate to each vector
>         Enumeration v = tmp.elements();
>         while (v.hasMoreElements())
>             {
>             GPFuncInfo i = (GPFuncInfo)(v.nextElement());
>             if (typ.compatibleWith(i.node.constraints().returntype,typ))
>                 {
>                 nodes_v.addElement(i);
>                 if (i.node.children.length == 0)
>                     terminals_v.addElement(i);
>                 else nonterminals_v.addElement(i);
>                 }
>             }
> Best Regards,
>    Milan