Advancing Biomolecular Modeling and Simulation: A Probabilistic
Approach for Characterizing Complex Systems in the Presence of
Thursday, October 17th, 2013
Research Hall, Room 163
Dr. Amarda Shehu
Department of Computer Science, George Mason University
A fundamental issue in our understanding of biology and treatment of
disease concerns elucidating the underlying determinants of
biological function in biomolecules. The main biomolecules at the
center of most chemical reactions in the living and diseased cell,
DNA, RNA, and proteins, are complex modular systems composed of many
heterogeneous and often highly-coupled building blocks operating
under physics-based constraints. In DNA and RNA, building blocks at
the sequence level combine in non-trivial ways to give rise to
complex functional signals. Modeling proteins adds additional
algorithmic challenges due to the need for spatial reasoning to
capture the dynamic nature of these systems as they flex their
structures to modulate function. Yet, modeling is a central tool in
understanding the molecular basis of many proteinopathies, such as
cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.
In this talk, I will provide an overview of algorithmic challenges
and our contributions in physical algorithms for modeling states and
state transitions in complex systems in the presence of constraints.
The main focus of the talk will be on the novel probabilistic
approach we have proposed for structure and motion computation. The
underpinnings of this approach are in sampling-based robot motion
planning and evolutionary computation to efficiently search
high-dimensional configuration (solution) spaces with non-linear
cost (objective) functions. The approach makes several innovations,
including (1) novel use of connectivity and embeddings of the search
space for an adaptive search of high exploration capability, (2)
exploitation of the interplay between global and local search for
better coverage, and (3) incorporation of multi-objective
optimization to attenuate reliance on noisy cost functions.
Comprehensive evaluations show that this approach, when informed by
a representation of molecular geometry grounded in biophysics, is
highly effective. The talk will conclude with selected applications
demonstrating the ability of this work to formulate hypotheses and
guide biological research, followed by an outline of my future
research agenda.
Speaker Bio
Amarda Shehu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science with affiliated appointments in the Department of
Bioengineering and the School of Systems Biology. Shehu received her
Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rice University in Houston, TX, where
she was an NIH fellow of the Nanobiology Training Program of the
Gulf Coast Consortia. Shehu's general research interests are in the
field of Artificial Intelligence. Her research contributions to date
are in computational structural biology, biophysics, and
bioinformatics with a focus on issues concerning the relationship
between sequence, structure, dynamics, and function in biological
molecules. Shehu's research is currently supported by the NSF, the
Jeffress Trust Program in Interdisciplinary Research, and the
Virginia Youth Tobacco Program. Shehu is also the recent recipient
of an NSF CAREER award. She is a member of ACM, IEEE, Biophysical
Society, International Society for Computational Biology, the
American Chemical Society, and the Council on Undergraduate
Research. Research and educational materials resulting from Shehu's
work, including images, videos, publications, and software, can be
found at: